

1. 英语流利说

这么接地气地跟你说吧= =
1、(You)             Say       hello       to   him.

       主(省略)          谓         宾          宾语补足语

The little boy  lost   his life      in the earthquake.那个小男孩在一次地震中失去了(他的)生命。
       主           谓 (     宾  )(宾语补足语)

简而言之。him通常充当宾补。。。。而his life是宾语。

仅供参考= =。。


2. 英语流利说

Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.
 It has the schedule for 3 buses between 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning.
 Bus No.38 has a regular schedule.
 It comes every 15 minutes.
 8:10, 8:25, 8:40, 8:55, 9:10, 9:25.
 Bus No.47 comes less often.
 It comes at 8:20, 8:45 and 9:25.
 Bus No.60 is the earliest bus.
 It comes at 8:05, 8:30 and 9:00.
 Bus No.38 has stops at the main train station and the airport.
 Bus No.60 stops at the main train station, but doesn't go to the airport.
 Bus No.47 doesn't go to either the main train station or the airport.
 This is our planet, Earth.
 It has the shape of a sphere, like a ball.
 The equator divides the Earth into two halves.                       //equator:赤道
 The northern half is the northern hemisphere.                       //hemisphere:半球
 The southern half is the southern hemisphere.
 Europe and Asia are both in the northern hemisphere.
 Australia and a third of Africa are in the southern hemisphere.
 The Earth moves in two ways.
 First, it spins, or rotates.                                                            //spins:自旋
 It rotates around its axis.                                                           //axis:轴
 The axis is a line through its center.
 It takes the Earth 24 hours to complete a rotation.
 That is the length of one day.
 Second, the Earth travels around the Sun.
 It takes about 365 days for the Earth to go around the Sun.
 That is the length of one year.
 Its average speed during the year is about 30 kilometers per second.
 The Earth's axis is not perpendicular to the Sun.           //perpendicular:垂直
 The Earth's axis is tilted.                                                 //tilted:斜
 It is tilted at an angle of around 23.5 degrees.
 This tilt causes the seasons of the year.
 During part of the year, the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun.
 When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, it's summer.
 When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, it's winter.
 This is why the seasons are opposite for the northern and southern hemispheres.
 When it's summer in Australia, it's winter in Europe.
 What would happen if the Earth's tilt were different than it is now?
 If the Earth's tilt were larger, summers would be hotter.
 If the Earth's tilt were smaller, summers would be cooler.
 If the Earth had no tilt at all, there would be no seasons.
 Therefore the angle of the tilt is very important for life in the Earth.
 The Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun.
 The Sun is at the center of our solar system.
 Our solar system has several planets which orbit around it.
 Our planet is the 3rd planet from the Sun.
 If the Earth were closer to the Sun, our planet would be hotter.
 If the Earth were farther from the Sun, our planet would be colder.
 Therefore the distance between the Earth and the Sun is very important.
 Winter is the coldest time of the year.
 Winter nights are long and the days are short.
 Summer is the hottest time of the year.
 Summer nights are short and the days are long.
 Spring comes after winter and before summer.
 Spring is when trees turn green.
 Autumn, or fall, comes after summer and before winter.
 Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.
 Some countries have a rainy season.
 In rainy season it rains almost every day.
 This boy has a broken leg.
 He can't walk without crutches.                                //crutch:拐杖
 This girl has a sore throat.                                        //sore:疼痛的
 She doesn't feel good because her throat hurts.
 This girl is vomiting.                                                //vomit:呕吐
 She ate something bad so she is throwing up.
 This boy has a fever.
 His temperature is 39.5 degrees Celsius.                //Celsius:摄氏度
 This girl has a headache.
 She doesn't feel good because her head aches.
 He broke his leg in a skiing accident.
 She has a pain in the back of her head.
 Tom:I really hate this cold winter weather.
 Lisa:Really? I don't mind it. It's not so bad.
 Tom:First, it's really cold. Second, I don't like the short days and the long nights. It's always dark.
 Lisa:Sure, but it will be over soon. Spring is coming and warmer weather.
 Tom:Yes, and longer days.
 Lisa:What about summers? Do you like hot weather?
 Tom:I don't like summer weather too.
 Lisa:Is it too hot for you?
 Tom:Yes, it's too hot. Every day is hot and humid. So I always feel tired and thirsty.
 Lisa:Yeah, me too. I take a shower twice a day.
 Lisa:So which is worse, summer or winter?
 Tom:Good question. I guess I prefer winter. What about you?
 Lisa:Well, I prefer winter too. I don't mind the long nights.
 Lisa:Of course the best seasons are spring and autumn.
 Tom:Which of those do you prefer?
 Lisa:Within those two, I prefer autumn.
 Tom:Why do you prefer autumn?
 Lisa:I love it when the leaves turn different colors.
 Tom:I agree with you. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.
 Lisa:I was surprised, Tom. I thought you would prefer spring.
 Tom:Why is that?
 Lisa:Everything is young and new in spring, right?
 Tom:Well, maybe I'll change my mind.
 M:Excuse me, when is the next bus?
 W:To where?
 M:To the train station.
 W:Let's look at the bus schedule.
 M:Which bus goes to the train station?
 W:Buses 38 and 60 both go to the train station.
 M:It's 8:59 now. So I just missed the number 38.
 W:Right. It came a few minutes ago. The next bus to the train station comes at 9:00.
 M:Yes, I hope it isn't late. The traffic is heavy.
 W:Oh, look, the number 60 is coming now, right on schedule.
 M:Great, thanks for your help.
 W:You're welcome. Have a good day.
 M:You too.

3. 英语流利说



4. 英语流利说的详细介绍

App Store总榜排名第二,教育类App排名第一,教育类App新品推荐第一。系统的内容编排想提高口语,不知从何入手?流利说为你每日推送经过系统编排的地道美语对话,只要每天跟随练习,就能在不知不觉中提高英语口语水平,攻克“开口”难关。个性化口语私教身边没有老师,不知道说得好不好?流利说内置来自硅谷的最新语音评估技术,给你的英语口语实时打分,无需联网照样识别。有了流利说,贴身英语私教跟你走!全新的产品体验传统的学习方法好枯燥,不能坚持?流利说让你一边玩闯关游戏,一边练习英语口语;一边和各路学友飙积分,一边修炼提升进阶。原来练口语可以这么轻松好玩!创新的教学方法词汇听力都不错,还是不会说?流利说采用创新的英语口语教学理念,直接从真实对话入手,带动词汇、语法、听力等其他能力的全面提升,帮助用户真正解决在各类实际对话场景中说什么话题,怎么说的问题。自由的练习时间工作学习太忙,没有大块时间练习?流利说专门为忙碌的“移动一族”打造,模块化的内容设计,几分钟就可以完成一次练习,方便忙碌的你随时随地利用碎片时间练习口语。丰富的学习素材找不到适合自己兴趣和水平的练习材料?流利说的对话内容覆盖生活、商务、职场、旅游等各类场景和不同的难易程度,注重系统性和进阶性。不论你是新手上路还是资深英语爱好者,都能找到适合自己学习素材。

5. 英语流利说的介绍



6. 怎样流利的说英语


7. 流利说英语怎么样?




8. 英语流利说怎么样

流利说英语主要应做到四件事: 理解 --回答 --提问 --口头表达 只要自我训练这四项基本技能 就会说一口流利的英语。
例如:交流信息。这是每天最常见的交流形式。朋友告诉在业余时间所喜欢做的事。仔细听,然后 告诉朋友在业余时间所想做的事。如此这般回答。在这种交流中,一般会大量使用一般现在时。