

1. 潘立勇的研究领域

1、朱子理学美学、阳明心学美学、宋明理学美学 2、中国审美哲学 3、美学原理、审美文化 4、人文旅游、休闲文化、旅游与休闲美学 5、公关艺术与交往心理


2. 潘建平的研究方向


3. 潘毅的研究



4. 潘军的研究方向


5. 潘自强的研究课题

主持“推进新农村建设的村级财务管理体制研究”,浙江省科技厅(省软科学),2007年-2008年(在研);主持“破产清算财务问题研究”, 浙江省教育厅, 2001年-2003年; 主持“我国民营企业资金供给短缺分析及政策建议研究”, 浙江省教育厅, 2004年7月—2005年12月; 主持“新农村建设进程中村级财务管理模式研究”, 浙江省教育厅, 2006年8月-2007年月12月。主持“破产会计研究”,浙江财经学院,1999年;主要参与“上市公司业绩评价与激励机制研究”, 浙江省哲学社会科学规划, 2003年7月—2005年3月;  主要参与“浙江民营中小企业核心竞争力研究”, 浙江财经学院校重大课题, 2003年12;主要参与“促进民间投资的政策支持体系研究”,浙江省自然科学基金,2000年12月—2004年12月;主要参与“基金会财务管理研究”,浙江省教育厅,2007年-2008(在研).


6. 潘健生的研究方向

1. 热处理工艺、设备及控制技术;2. 材料热加工的数学模型及计算机模拟 。

7. 潘毅的主研方向

高纯金属有机化合物(MO源)的研究和开发工作;主族金属有机化合物的合成、结构及其在光电和有机合成方面的应用研究;钯催化的有机反应研究; 超声技术在有机合成中的应用。


8. 潘勇的代表论文

1 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y, Cui Y. Prediction of the upper flammability limits of organic compounds from molecular structures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48: 5064-5069. (IF: 1.758 )2 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Ding X Y, Wang R, Jiang J J. Prediction of flammability characteristics of pure hydrocarbons from molecular structures. AIChE Journal, 2010, 56(3): 690-701. (IF: 1.955 )3 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang Z R. Quantitative structure–property relationship studies for predicting flash points of alkanes using group bond contribution method with back-propagation neural network. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 147(1-2): 424-430. (IF: 4.144)4 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y, Zhao J B. Prediction of auto-ignition temperatures of hydrocarbons by neural network based on atom-type electrotopological state indices. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 157(2-3): 510-517. (IF: 4.144)5 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y. Advantages of support vector machine in QSPR studies for predicting auto-ignition temperatures of organic compounds. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2008, 92(2): 169-178. (IF: 2.111)6 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y, Zhao J B. Quantitative structure–property relationship studies for predicting flash points of organic compounds using support vector machines. QSAR & Combinatorial Science, 2008, 27(8): 1013-1019. (IF: 3.027)7 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y, Cui Y. Predicting the auto-ignition temperatures of organic compounds from molecular structure using support vector machine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 164 (2-3): 1242-1249. (IF: 4.144)8 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Cao H Y, Cui Y. A novel QSPR model for prediction of lower flammability limits of organic compounds based on support vector machine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168(2-3): 962-969. (IF: 4.144)9 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R, Jiang J J. Predicting the net heat of combustion of organic compounds from molecular structures based on ant colony optimization. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2011, 24: 85-89. (IF: 0.810)10 Pan Y, Jiang J C, Wang R. A novel method for predicting the flash points of organosilicon compounds from molecular structures. Fire and Materials, in press. (IF: 1.196)11 Wang R, Jiang J C, Pan Y, Cao H Y, Cui Y. Prediction of impact sensitivity of nitro energetic compounds by neural network based on electrotopological-state indices. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 166(1): 155-186. (IF: 4.144 )12 Cao H Y, Jiang J C, Pan Y, Wang R, Cui Y. Prediction of the net heat of combustion of organic compounds based on atom-type electrotopological state indices. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2009, 22: 222-227. (IF: 0.810)13 Tang P, Jiang J C, Pan Y, Wang R, Jiang J J. Life extension reliability analysis of decommissioned transportable seamless steel gas cylinders: A case study. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2011, 24: 105-110. (IF: 0.810)14 Wang R, Jiang J C, Pan Y. Prediction of impact sensitivity of non-heterocyclic nitro energetic compounds using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network. Journal of Energetic Materials,2011, in press. (IF: 0.839)15 Jiang J J, Jiang J C, Pan Y. Investigation on thermal runaway in batch reactors by parametric sensitivity analysis. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2011, in press. (IF: 1.394)