金门大桥 悉尼歌剧院 大本钟 埃菲尔铁塔 的英文资料


1. 金门大桥 悉尼歌剧院 大本钟 埃菲尔铁塔 的英文资料

Eiffel Tower, wrought-iron tower in Paris, a landmark and an early example of wrought-iron construction on a gigantic scale. It was designed and built by the French civil engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris World's Fair of 1889. The tower, without its modern broadcasting antennas, is 300 m (984 ft) high. The lower section consists of four immense arched legs set on masonry piers. The legs curve inward until they unite in a single tapered tower. Platforms, each with an observation deck, are at three levels; on the first is also a restaurant. The tower, constructed of about 6300 metric tons (about 7000 tons) of iron, has stairs and elevators. A meteorological station, a radio communications station, and a television transmission antenna, as well as a suite of rooms that were used by Eiffel, are located near the top of the tower.

Golden Gate Bridge 

The orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge-probably the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed bridge in the world-are visible from almost every point of elevation in San Francisco. The only cleft in Northern California's 600-mile continental wall, for years this mile-wide strait was considered unbridgeable. As much an architectural as an engineering feat, the Golden Gate took only 52 months to design and build, and was opened in 1937. Designed by Joseph Strauss, it was the first really massive suspension bridge, with a span of 4200ft, and until 1959 ranked as the world's longest. It connects the city at its northwesterly point on the peninsula to Marin County and Northern California, rendering the hitherto essential ferry crossing redundant, and was designed to withstand winds of up to a hundred miles an hour and to swing as much as 27ft.

Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognisable images of the modern world - up there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building - and one of the most photographed. 

Not only is it recognisable, it has come to represent 'Australia'. 

Although only having been open since 1973, it is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt and the Colosseum of Rome. 

The Opera House is situated on Bennelong Point, which reaches out into the harbour. The skyline of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Opera House, viewed from a ferry or from the air, is dramatic and unforgettable. 

Ironic, perhaps, that this Australian icon - the Opera House with a roof evocative of a ship at full sail - was designed by renowned Danish architect - Jørn Utzon. 

In the late 1950s the NSW Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House, and conducted a competition for its design. 

Utzon's design was chosen. The irony was that his design was, arguably, beyond the capabilities of engineering of the time. Utzon spent a couple of years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature - the 'sails' of the roof. 

Sydney Opera House from the harbour, photo courtesy of Andrew Watts 

The venture experienced cost blow-outs and there were occasions when the NSW Government was tempted to call a halt. In 1966 the situation - with arguments about cost and the interior design, and the Government withholding progress payments - reached crisis point and Jørn Utzon resigned from the project. The building was eventually completed by others in 1973. 

Sydney Opera House facts and figures 

The Sydney Opera house: 

Was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon. 
Was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20 October 1973. 
Presented, as its first performance, The Australian Opera's production of War and Peace by Prokofiev. 
Cost $AU 102,000,000 to build. 
Conducts 3000 events each year. 
Provides guided tours to 200,000 people each year. 
Has an annual audience of 2 million for its performances. 
Includes 1000 rooms. 
Is 185 metres long and 120 metres wide. 
Has 2194 pre-cast concrete sections as its roof. 
Has roof sections weighing up to 15 tons. 
Has roof sections held together by 350 kms of tensioned steel cable. 
Has over 1 million tiles on the roof. 
Uses 6225 square metres of glass and 645 kilometres of electric cable. 


Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. You even know when parliament is in session, because a light shines above the clock face. 

The four dials of the clock are 23 feet square, the minute hand is 14 feet long and the figures are 2 feet high. Minutely regulated with a stack of coins placed on the huge pendulum, Big Ben is an excellent timekeeper, which has rarely stopped. 

The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall. 

This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III. Before returning to Westminster to hang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858. The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone in the turret connected to Broadcasting House. 

During the second world war in 1941, an incendiary bomb destroyed the Commons chamber of the Houses of Parliament, but the clock tower remained intact and Big Ben continued to keep time and strike away the hours, its unique sound was broadcast to the nation and around the world, a welcome reassurance of hope to all who heard it. 

There are even cells within the clock tower where Members of Parliament can be imprisoned for a breach of parliamentary privilege, though this is rare; the last recorded case was in 1880. 

The tower is not open to the general public, but those with a "special interest" may arrange a visit to the top of the Clock Tower through their local (UK) MP.

金门大桥 悉尼歌剧院 大本钟 埃菲尔铁塔 的英文资料

2. 求关于金门大桥,埃菲尔铁塔,悉尼歌剧院 大本钟 的旅游的英语作文

The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 
As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 
The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) 
was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too. 
The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 

3. 它有很多有名的地方的单词

Great Pyramid Of Giza      吉萨金字塔
Christ Redeemer      救世主耶稣雕像
The Taj Mahal      泰姬陵
The Roman Coliseum     古罗马竞技场
The Eiffel Tower      埃菲尔铁塔
The Statue Of Liberty       自由女神像
The Forbidden City      故宫
The Great Wall Of China     长城
Big Ben    大本钟
Church Of the Sacred Fam.    圣家族大教堂
Machu Picchu     马丘比丘
The Acropolis      雅典卫城
Alhambra     阿罕布拉宫
Angkor Wat     吴哥窟
Statues Of Easter Island    复活节岛雕像
The Hagia Sophia    圣索菲亚大教堂
Red Square     红场  
Neuschwanstein Castle     新天鹅堡
Stonehenge     史前巨石柱群
Sydney Opera House    悉尼歌剧院
Leaning Tower Of Pisa    比萨斜塔  
Luxor Temple    卢克索神庙
Teotihuacán    特奥蒂瓦坎
Bagan Temples and Pagodas    蒲甘佛寺和佛塔
Serengeti Migration      塞伦盖蒂野生动物大迁徙
Iguazu Falls       伊瓜苏大瀑布
Victoria Falls      维多利亚瀑布
Grand Canyon      大峡谷
Mount Everest     珠穆朗玛峰
Louvre Museum      卢浮宫
The Tower Of London      伦敦塔
Millennium Wheel     伦敦眼
British Museum      大英博物馆
The Terracota Warriors      秦始皇兵马俑
Versailles Palace      凡尔赛宫
The Brandenburg Gate      勃兰登堡门
Buckingham Palace      白金汉宫
The Temple Of Heaven      天坛  
The Trevi Fountain       许愿泉
Golden Gate Bridge     金门大桥
Arc De Triomphe       凯旋门  
The Champs Élysées      香榭丽舍大街
The Cinquantenaire Park      五十周年公园  
The Vatican Museums     梵蒂冈博物馆
The State Hermitage Mus.    冬宫博物馆
The Cibeles Square      西贝莱斯广场
El Prado Museum      普拉多博物馆
The Summer Palace    颐和园  
oriental Pearl TV Tower    东方明珠电视塔
The Jin Mao Building    金茂大厦
The Petronas Twin Towers    国油双峰塔
The Wailing Wall     哭墙  
Potala Palace    布达拉宫  
St. Peter's Basilica      圣彼得大教堂
St. Peter's Square     圣彼得广场
Timbuktu     廷巴克图
Galápagos Islands    加拉帕戈斯群岛
Amazon Rainforest     亚马逊雨林
Harbor Of Rio De Janeiro     里约热内卢港
Parícutin Volcano     帕里库廷火山
Kiyomizu Temple      清水寺
Kremlin   克里姆林宫


4. 用英语介绍一些地方,英语高手进! 悬赏100!!!!!急急急急


Golden Gate Bridge is one of the world-famous bridge, a bridge project as a modern miracle. 
It is located in California, on the Golden Gate Strait. The bridge at either end of a 1124 feet high steel tower, steel tower above the water surface of 746 feet for some, which is equivalent to 70-story building; two steel tower between the two hanging with a diameter of 36.5 inches of steel cables, the bridge is With two steel cables hanging mid-air. Steel tower between the bridge span to 4200 feet, is one of the world's longest bridge span in one of the rare. Bridge opening 200 feet high, large ships can pass unimpeded. Also be extended at both ends of the bridge to go out, the entire bridge to reach a total length of 6500 feet, and end the construction of the two auxiliary steel towers, the bridge so that the more magnificent. 
Golden Gate Bridge is considered a symbol of San Francisco. 

建造歌剧院用了6 625平方米的玻璃和645千米的电缆线。它有1 000间房间。它长185米,宽20米。歌剧院楼顶的部分大约重15吨。在楼顶上,有1百万块砖。每年它能接待旅游团20万人。 

Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) 
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt. 
6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weight about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year. 
But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,John Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance for the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen. Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts. In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973. 
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,so beautiful. 

大笨钟,或大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,重13.5吨。每15分钟响一次。
独立电视新闻的“十时新闻报告”以一连串的大本钟钟声作新闻预告的配乐作开始已很多年。大本钟的钟声今天仍会用于所有独立电视新闻 新闻快报的新闻预告,及威斯敏斯特宫大本钟的钟面图。从1923年12月31日开始,大本钟的钟响亦可在于英国广播公司第四台的一些新闻布告(6时正、半晚及星期天的晚上10时正)的一小时前及英国广播公司国际广播部听到。钟声是经由长期设置在钟楼内而连接著广播大楼的扩音器传送的。

Clock Tower, Palace of Westminster

The Clock Tower is a turret clock structure at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament building in Westminster, London, England. It is popularly known as Big Ben, but this name is actually a nickname for the clock‘s main bell. The tower has also been referred to as St. Stephen‘s Tower or The Tower of Big Ben, in reference to its bell.

The tower was raised as a part of Charles Barry‘s design for a new palace, after the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire on the night of October 16, 1834. The tower is designed in the Victorian Gothic style, and is 96.3 metres (316 feet) high.
The first 61 metres (250 feet) of the structure is the clock tower, consisting of brickwork with stone cladding; the remainder of the tower‘s height is a framed spire of cast iron. The tower is founded on a 15 by 15 metre (49 by 49 foot) raft, made of 3-metre
Eiffel Tower 
Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris.[1] More than 200,000,000 have visited the tower since its construction in 1889,[2] including 6,719,200 in 2006,[3] making it the most visited paid monument in the world.[4][5] Including the 24 m (79 ft) antenna, the structure is 325 m (1,063 ft) high (since 2000), which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building. 

When the tower was completed in 1889 it was the world's tallest tower — a title it retained until 1930 when New York City's Chrysler Building (319 m — 1,047 ft tall) was completed.[6] The tower is now the fifth-tallest structure in France and the tallest structure in Paris, with the second-tallest being the Tour Montparnasse (210 m — 689 ft), although that will soon be surpassed by Tour AXA (225.11 m — 738.36 ft). 

The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes while the entire structure including non-metal components is approximately 10,000 tonnes. Depending on the ambient temperature, the top of the tower may shift away from the sun by up to 18 cm (7 in) because of thermal expansion of the metal on the side facing the sun. The tower also sways 6–7 cm (2–3 in) in the wind.[3] As demonstration of the economy of design, if the 7300 tonnes of the metal structure were melted down it would fill the 125 meter square base to a depth of only 6 cm (2.36 in), assuming a density of the metal to be 7.8 tonnes per cubic meter. The tower has a mass less than the mass of the air contained in a cylinder of the same dimensions,[7] that is 324 meters high and 88.3 meters in radius. The weight of the tower is 10,100 tonnes compared to 10,265 tonnes of air. 

The first and second levels are accessible by stairways and lifts. A ticket booth at the south tower base sells tickets to access the stairs which begin at that location. At the first platform the stairs continue up from the east tower and the third level summit is only accessible by lift. From the first or second platform the stairs are open for anyone to ascend or descend regardless of whether they have purchased a lift ticket or stair ticket. The actual count of stairs includes 9 steps to the ticket booth at the base, 328 steps to the first level, 340 steps to the second level and 18 steps to the lift platform on the second level. When exiting the lift at the third level there are 15 more steps to ascend to the upper observation platform. The step count is printed periodically on the side of the stairs to give an indication of progress of ascent. The majority of the ascent allows for an unhindered view of the area directly beneath and around the tower although some short stretches of the stairway are enclosed. 

Maintenance of the tower includes applying 50 to 60 tonnes of paint every seven years to protect it from rust. In order to maintain a uniform appearance to an observer on the ground, three separate colors of paint are used on the tower, with the darkest on the bottom and the lightest at the top. On occasion the colour of the paint is changed; the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-grey.[8] On the first floor there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the colour to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Nouguier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre.[9] 



这个为了世界博览会而落成的金属建筑, 曾经保持世界最高建筑45年, 直到纽约帝国大厦的出现。 它由150万个铆钉连接固定, 据说它对地面的压强只有一个人坐在椅子上那么大。塔的四个面上, 铭刻了72个科学家的名字, 都是为了保护铁塔不被摧毁而从事研究的人们。 

战神广场的另一端有和平门和和平碑, 上面用不同的文字写着"和平", 表达了人们美好的愿望.

5. 你能以金门大桥 悉尼歌剧院 伦敦大本钟 埃菲尔铁塔为题 写一篇介绍性短文么


你能以金门大桥 悉尼歌剧院 伦敦大本钟 埃菲尔铁塔为题 写一篇介绍性短文么

6. 几道初中英语问题

物理学家:physical scientist
Eiffel :法国巴黎埃菲尔铁塔
Big Ben:英国伦敦大本钟
Golden Gate Bridge:美国旧金山金门大桥
The opera House:澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院
The Palace Museum:中国北京故宫
Shopping Heaven:中国香港购物天堂
Cambridge College:英国剑桥大学
Triumphal Arch:法国巴黎凯旋门

7. 世界公园有没有卢浮宫

  游客漫步北京世界公园,一座座按1:10比例微缩的建筑 物会使您目不暇接,大饱眼福。这些仿照世界名胜而建的微缩 建筑,设计精细,造型逼真,置身此地,您会感到仿佛真的在周 游世界。能用一天的时间饱览世界所有最著名的名胜古迹,多 少人的梦想今天在这里变为了现实。


8. 北京世界公园的详细介绍?

北京世界公园是由丰台区政府与花乡乡政府共同投资 1.5亿元兴建的。公园1991年破土动工,经过建设者们18个月的共同努力奋战,高速度地建成了这座以“不出国门,周游世界”为建设意图的世界公园,并于1993年10月1日正式向 游人开放。 

   公园整体布局按照五大洲版图划分景区,以世界上40个 国家的 109处著名古迹名胜的微缩景点为主体,荟萃了世界 上最著名的埃及金字塔、法国埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、美国白宫、国会大厦、林肯纪念堂、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院等建筑,以 及意大利式、日本式花园等。公园内设东欧、西欧、北欧、北美、 南美、非洲、大洋洲、西亚、东亚、南亚等17个景区,水系分布 按照四大洋的形状连通全园。园内的雕塑、雕刻有近百件,自 由女神、尿童、丹麦美人鱼、大卫、维纳斯、肖邦、莫扎特等人 物,精雕细琢,栩栩如生。园内设有激光喷泉、植物迷宫、童话 世界等娱乐场所。公园内还建有集餐饮、购物、娱乐于一身的、体现异国情调的国际街及国际民俗村。国际街位于公园的东 北角,长约200米,面积1.5万平方米,是具有欧美风格的建 筑群体,其中有意大利名店街、德国歌德美食大楼、瑞士洛桑 礼品街等,主要经营各国风味及旅游纪念品,开展富有异国特 色的娱乐活动等。 

   游客漫步北京世界公园,一座座按1:10比例微缩的建筑 物会使您目不暇接,大饱眼福。这些仿照世界名胜而建的微缩 建筑,设计精细,造型逼真,置身此地,您会感到仿佛真的在周 游世界。能用一天的时间饱览世界所有最著名的名胜古迹,多 少人的梦想今天在这里变为了现实。
地  址:  北京市丰台区花乡丰葆路158号  
门票价格:  65元,学生35元,儿童24元。  
其他消费:  动感电影20.00元、世界古代刑具展5.00元、金宝塔非洲风情展5.00元  
作息时间:  早8:00—18:00(4月1日—10月31日)早8:00—17: 00(11月1日—3月31日)  
公 交 车:  特7 、 635 、 744 、 913 、 937支 、 944支 、 959 、 967 ,或北京站-世界公园专线车到世界公园站下车。